VIP 0: UNIv2 Voting Result
The Voting ended with 15.33% for YES and 84.67% for NO. The final result is NO, meaning that UNIv2 Pool yCRV/YFV (50/50) will not be launched and all tokens dedicated to this pool (5.25M) will be burnt.
We would like to take this chance to thank The Community very much for your participation actively to discuss and push for this voting. YFValue is so glad to have such a great Community.
Proof of Burn for UNIv2 Pool tokens (5.25M):
UNIv2 Pool:
Renounce ownership:
The owner is set to 0x0. There is no one who can call the notifyRewardAmount() method to start the 1st epoch. 5,250,000 YFV will never be minted.